Sean Spicer has just quit his job as White House Press Secretary and although his reason for the decision is based on President Trump’s appointment of financier, Anthony Scaramucci as the new White House communications director, a position Spicer held up until today.

Reports say Spicer “vehemently disagreed” with Trump’s decision so he checked out. This comes as a surprise considering most of Spicer’s six month-stint as Press Secretary saw him “vehemently” defending Trump even when it meant damaging his own credibility and reputation.
What also comes as a surprise is the fact that Spicer made the first move. His job hanged in the balance for what seemed like the longest time and at some point, Fox News anchor publicly boasted she would take his place behind the White House lectern. Even Trump had pushed him to the backburner by considering giving him a role that required less time in front of cameras and wild journalists.
America will not quickly forget the most meme-worthy White House spokesman of all time, a man with a reputation of befuddling his audience and hiding in bushes. Sean Spicer made for good television and here are the best (or worst) of his moments.
  1. He sort of didn’t have a sure footing from the very start. On his first and half day as Press Secretary, Spicer totally goofed on President Trump’s inauguration attendance statistics. He said, “This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe. Even the New York Times printed a photograph showing a misrepresentation of the crowd in the original tweet in their paper, which showed the full extent of the support, depth in crowd, and intensity that existed.”
But photos proved otherwise:
Trump’s inauguration
Obama’s inauguration
2. When Trump signed the Executive Order that placed a ban on travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries, Spicer was the only one who insisted it wasn’t a ban. “It’s not a travel ban. It’s a vetting system to keep America safe. That’s it, plain and simple. And all of the facts and the reading of it clearly show that that’s what it is.” Even Trump must have been confused.

3.  How could one forget the time Spicer said Trump wasn’t necessarily referring to “wiretapping” when President Trump accused former President Obama of “tapping his phones during the very sacred election process”.
4. In his first few days as Press Secretary, Spicer tweeted his own password; twice in one day. It’s hard to imagine what he was going through at the time.
5. When he wore his flag lapel pin upside down to a press briefing early on in the year, he confirmed speculations that he wasn’t enjoying his job and was under so much pressure. American media was quick to apprise us of the U.S Code that said wearing the flag pin upside-down was a “signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” Spicer adjusted the pin after his attention was called to it but not before his not-so-subtle message became public knowledge.